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How do I download the ebooks?
Firstly, create an account by selecting this available option displayed in the 'Login Form' box. Fill in the required fields (marked with an asterisk) with the applicable detail. You should receive an activation email.

Why can't I log in?

Sometimes the activation email goes astray with the known connectivity issues at Bigpond, which are beyond our control. Please 'Get In Touch' and bring this to our attention at your earliest opportunity.

How do I pay for my eBooks?
By using the installed Paypal gateway. This method will open up a new window and take you to the Paypal login section for your Paypal account. After payment,  you will see your payment has gone to Lorie Brink.

Why can't I see my eBooks?
This message will appear on the Order screen: "Please select the "Orders" menu to download your purchase."
Your eBooks will then open in a separate window as a *.pdf file. Adobe Reader is free.
Please ensure you download and save them to your e-reader app or preferred folder prior to logging off.
If you log off before doing so, you can log back in and click on the "Orders" menu.

What do I do if I have a suggestion or a question?
Feedback is essential for continuous improvement and we welcome your contact. Please 'Get In Touch' and keep an eye out for a response.